Friday, September 11, 2009


Hello peeps, well today is 911.. a very sad day for the US and especially my home state of NY... I have reflected on today and I have decided that I will celebrate the lives of those lost and NOT their deaths. I will do this from this anniversary and every one to follow. We hang an American Flag everyday at my house and today it means more then the rest... Rest in Peace all of you innocents that lost their lives 8 years ago... I try not to remember that day, I was on Columbus Ave and 86 Th st when a plane flew what seemed like 100 ft over our heads. I heard what happened not 5 min later. As I was going over the Triborough Bridge I saw the smoke from the towers. 40 min later I was on the Throgs Neck bridge and saw a dust cloud. Fire trucks all over every highway... I don't want to remember that day... That's why I will celebrate the LIVES of people I didn't know from now on... Yes all you innocents, REST IN PEACE....

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

911 debacle

Hello fellow bloggers and faithful readers, unfortunately Friday is a very sad day for the USA. Eight years ago this Great Country was attacked by a bunch coward terrorists who killed 4000 innocent people... NY, my home state, was hit the hardest. This City rallied like no other. It made me PROUD to be a NY'er to see my fellow NY'ers react and come together... The powers that be was promising that the Buildings that were knocked down would be replaced by a Newer BIGGER BETTER set of buildings. Only thing is the people who promised us that in 2001, the NY State Government and the NY City Government, failed to mention it would take 36 yrs to complete. Yup that's right, the Sate Lawmakers that be said by the year 2037 The FREEDOM Tower and all the rest of the NEW WORLD TRADE CENTER would be completed. I for one am ashamed to be associated with this state. "THE GREATEST CITY IN THE WORLD". that's what someone called this City along time ago. Well I think that moniker should be shed because I don't think THE GREATEST CITY IN THE WORLD would take anymore then MAYBE 5 yrs to rebuild. The City, The PA and Silverstien Properties and of course the Unions who are working on the project are ALL to be blamed. Silverstien wants 90% rental office space, like he doesn't have enough money already, the City and PA want less office space and the Unions just want to keep working as long as possible so the workers can rape the city dry.And the Families of loved ones lost are asking for some kind of park where they can go and remember family that was lost that awful day. Well NYC, since those families lost someone near and dear, and since the city REALLY belongs to US the people, I say build a park to honor those innocents who lost their lives, the Brave Fireman all 371 and counting, with a nice lawn, a statue to commemorate that fateful day. Silverstien can have his office towers but maybe not as much of them. YUP 36 yrs to tell the World that WE the state of NY is THE GREATEST CITY IN THE WORLD. It's a DAMN SHAME this city sucks... Empire Sate Building- Built in 1 year and 3 weeks 80 something yrs ago and STILL standing, the Old Twin Towers- 10 yrs to build and stood for 30 something yrs. Yup 36 yrs to build 3 or 4 buildings... I wonder how many family members will still be alive to enjoy the Commemoration.... The 911 DEBACLE.....